Easthampstead Park Wedding Venue


About the venue

Prepare to be surprised, as this is a bit of a hidden gem. The name sounds too business like and "conferencey" but, when you get there and you see the beautiful rooms, the lovely sweeping staircase, the gorgeous back garden and the comfortable bar area - it will instantly win you over as a lovely all weather wedding venue.
Add to the fact that this is one of the few venues nowadays that can offer outdoor weddings and it becomes a serious contender. It photographs really well, there is a lot of variety and some great steps for a large group shot, for me it ticks virtually every box when you look behind the corporate sounding marketing.

Contact Details

Website : www.eastpark.co.uk

Email: sales@eastpark.co.uk

Telephone: 0118 974 7576

Address: Easthampstead Park Conference Centre, Off Peacock Lane,, Wokingham, RG40 3DF

Adam Hillier

Hi, I’m Adam, a photographer for 18 years & counting.

My passion is really getting to know people, what they love & what matters most to them in life, their real why. This is critical to my photography

My real why is back home, my wife of nearly 20 years & our 3 epic children. I love to help them to be happy - that drives me, thats my why


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